He enjoys true leisure who has time to improve his soul's estate. Henry David Thoreau (1817 - 1862), Journal, February 11, 1840


  1. I LOVE these two drawings! I'm interested in the quote too... what exactly does it mean? I think it's saying that real leisure time is not found in going out and spending lots of money being superficially entertained, but rather pursuing one's unique interests and enhancing one's own inner being? Or is that reading too much in to it? I like the quotes you post, I'd like to see more discussion about them!

  2. You've given me a yen to read Emma. I never have but it looks fascinating. Wonderful sketches. Angela.

  3. That's exactly what I thought when I posted it, Katherine: Take time to know yourself and pursue your own interests which in turn enhance your soul and create you own identity and you can truly relax and enjoy your leisure. If you follow the pursuits of others and have no real interest in anything your time is not really your own/ relaxing and is just wasted!

    That was my interpretation anyway.... Thanks for the lovely comments all!

  4. ...on second thoughts, perhaps it means that if you 'improve' yourself by having good morals and leading a good life you will enjoy leisure time more because you can relax without any guilt feelings or anything playing on your conscience...??

    The reason I posted it was for the first interpretation, but I like both..

  5. I really like your art, and think you have a wonderful talent.


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